Monday, 6 March 2017

10 Lessons You'll Actually Learn at University

I actually didn't even realise this until I went to write this list, but I got my offer for university three years ago yesterday. How has time gone by that quick!? I know everyone says time's flying at the moment, but I'm really struggling to understand how I've nearly finished my 3rd year already, and all that's left after that is my honours year... gaaahhhh! 

Anyway, I've been seeing so many university and college applications on Facebook recently, with all the school leavers posting their offers for places after the summer. It got me thinking; having experienced all this myself, what advice would I give them? Obviously, everyone's experience will be different. But, I came up with a list of the top 10 things I've come to realise during my time as a university student - without further ado, here are 10 things I've actually learned at university:

 1. The people you meet will change your life. Cliché, I know, but I’ve met so many people who’ve made this experience as amazing as it has been - even those I'm no longer in touch with

2. If you’re like me and you moved, or are moving out to attend uni, you soon come to realise that if you wake up ill and can’t face the idea of classes for the day… you don’t have to go! You suddenly don’t need to plead with your parents to let you skip a day – just remember not to make it a habit, of course... *cough*

3. You will learn how to seriously budget. I had no idea a whole roast chicken could be worked into a full week’s meal plan until I started spending all my money on going out as a first year

4. Speaking of which, HOW EXPENSIVE IS CHEESE. HOLY SMOKES. Growing up is a cruel, cruel trap

5. Don’t doubt who you’re capable of making friends with. There are so many people out there with different characteristics and interests, and unlike high school, it’s quite often welcomed. It’s all just very nice :)

6. You revert back into being a toddler. I used to hear this A LOT and I always figured that wouldn’t be me, I’d be an adult in the big, bad city and I’d be totally responsible… until I realised how amazing an afternoon nap is at age 18. And 19. And 20. You may also find yourself watching a lot of kids TV at lunchtime. One thing we found, which may be a one-off weird thing just for us, but playing hide and seek in the dark with like 15 other students can be a better laugh than a night out… Yeah, most likely just us.

(Aftermath of one game of hide and seek in the dark... think that was supposed to be a barrier!)

7. Irons are not a necessity! If your laundry place has a tumble dryer, you’re winning already… Failing that, hanging up your clothes while you’re showering will sort you out

8. Another top tip, you can quite easily organise your finances on banking apps while also avoiding seeing your more-often-than-not miserable balance by simply covering the total with your hand. Just make your way slowly to work out where the required tabs are and you’ll be grand

9. You will learn to really appreciate your hometown. I know SO many people who swore they would hardly ever return home after moving out, yet getting away and looking at it from a different angle will quite often make you realise how nice a place it is – if it doesn’t, then you’ll just appreciate the general idea of being back home anyway

10. Just make the most of it. I honestly can't believe I’m nearly three quarters of the way through; 2014 seems such a short time ago! I’m writing this now with 5 weeks left of third year, and my flatmates are graduating in the summer. Just really go out and enjoy yourself, push yourself to do something new, even just talk to people you wouldn't normally. It's such an amazing experience, plus you end up with a degree at the end of it!

(Don't worry, be happy - love drunk Hannah xoxo)


  1. CHEESE IS SO DAMN EXPENISVE! Who would have thought!? and Yess, Afternoon naps are the best! Great post xx

    - Anaelle |

  2. Definetly agree with all of these, kids tv is fab and brain numbingly amazing after lots of essay writting!

  3. Aaah I loved my Uni days! Your post took me right back there. The friends I made in Uni will always be my friends 10y and counting!

  4. I have the last lectures of my entire degree this week and it's so sad! I'm not ready to grow up, I like being a toddler haha!

    Sophia xx

  5. This post made me laugh a lot!!! I didnt choose university but it sounds like you had the best time ever!!🙌🏼

    Sarah | x
