Saturday, 26 November 2016

17 Facts About Me

I can’t believe I looked back at my old blog for inspiration, but I did. I noticed I did a “20 facts about me” post to kick things off, but there were a few that no longer applied, so I’m doing a brand-new, updated version  - except with 17 facts because I’ve evidently become A LOT more boring and couldn’t think of 20 :)

I really debated about doing a post like this so soon into starting this, just because I wasn’t sure about putting up things that could make people go “oh, that’s Hannah!”… but then I realised no one’s going to be sitting at home searching for my name on the Internet (at least, I hope not haha) so I figured I’m pretty safe.

1. My name is Hannah (no really)
2. I’m 20 years old
3. I live in Glasgow
4. I’m currently a student, studying BA(Hons) International Business.
5. My last saved songs on Spotify include Lord of the Dance (With Taps), – hahaha sorry not sorry, it’s an absolute banger – Fade by Kanye West, and that song by Vaults on the John Lewis Christmas advert
6. I have a really varied taste in music. Could you tell?
7. My ultimate dream job would be to work for Radio 1. I’ve just always wanted to from the age of about 10, even though I’ve gone off on a completely different career track :(
8. I don’t think I’ve got to sleep before midnight since I was about 12; I’m in practically every other country’s time zone except the UK’s
9. The one food/drink I crave pretty much every day is Irn Bru, I practically live on it and I know it’s bad! (these last two might be connected actually, oops)
10.  I talk to EVERYONE. Especially on nights out, I will just stop and chat away and I don’t know if it’s a blessing or a curse
11. I’m a huge Manchester City fan (and have been since birth, so no money comments please and thank you :))
12. My favourite place to go on holiday is Turkey. I’ve been to Marmaris seven times now, twice this year! I love love love it
13. I really don’t understand how anyone can eat mushrooms. How? I don’t get it
14. I hardly watch any TV but right now I am hooked on Pretty Little Liars. My life is pretty much revolving around it right now
15. I don’t know how many times I’ve dyed my hair in the last year. Right now I’m blonde, but I can never decide whether to go back to my natural brown, keep the blonde or go ombre and do a bit of both :|
16. I loooooove corgis and I’m desperate to have one :(
17. If I could, I would be a Disney Princess

That's about it! I'm not the most exciting person, but there we go haha

Thursday, 24 November 2016

The Difficult First Post

This is probably like my tenth blog by now.

Every time a new stage in my life comes about, I think, “hm, maybe people will read this and relate. Maybe this is your true calling in life”. And then I continue for about two weeks until I either forget the login details or just run out of things to say.

Maybe this will be the one. Or maybe I’ll read this in two years time and go “oh wow, why?” like I just did with my old blog, and then start again, just filling up the Internet with my ramblings. My last one was all about how I was 18 and loved my new life in the city, and how great going out to clubs three times a week was. How a matter of months (and coursework) can change your social life drastically! :(

I always seem to have started my many past blogs with the same post, which was where I questioned why I was starting a blog. Honestly, I think this might be what was putting me off continuing, simply because I didn’t know what exactly I was doing it for, and what content I would be talking about. So I’m going to get that bit over with, and then I’m going to throw myself straight in and it’ll all be just peachy, k?

This blog is literally just going to be about everything. I’ve been sitting for the past hour trying to come up with a smart name that captured the focus of it, and I just can’t think of one particular area I want to talk about (I’m either really boring or just really into everything, and I know which one but let’s pretend it’s the other one). I eventually settled on one that sounds like I’m about 13! I’m not sure why I’m worrying about a name when it’ll probably just be me and someone I share the link with when I’m drunk reading it, but I like to think that at some point it’ll serve to help someone in this big mad world. I’ve come to realise that even in my two years at university alone, I’ve had some crazy stories that do actually deserve to be told, and so that is what’s going to happen :) and hopefully this time I’ll actually stick to it!

So yah. This blog is now open and I will be doing no more introduction stuff because I am sick of doing difficult first posts!

- Hannah xo